Solberg Industries


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SKU: EDTWAG1G6PK Category: Tags: ,

Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Winter Anti-Gel 1 gal


10 in stock

Hot Shot's Secret Diesel Winter Anti-Gel is recommended for use in all diesel engines to provide lubricity, stability, winter operability, detergency and increased cetane by 7 numbers. Our anti-gel fuel stabilizer and fuel system cleaner specifically offers winter protection against freeze-ups, improves cold-temperature performance and contains a powerful cetane booster for a maximum improvement in performance, power and cold start speed. Add it to your fuel tank or diesel fuel can to prevent wax crystals from forming in cold temperatures. If your semi-truck, pick-up truck, tractor, car, or a storage tank is holding diesel this winter, our fuel treatment and diesel cetane booster will ensure that you face even the harshest weather with the protection your diesel system needs.

Additional information

Weight 128 oz
Dimensions 4.75 × 10 in
Diesel Winter Anti-Gel

1 gal, 16 oz


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